Monday, May 9, 2011

Domestic Violence and Animal abuse ?

In recent years of study, there has been a very strong connection between animal abuse and domestic violence. In four out of every five cases, the abuse was not only abusing the animals but the violence was spilling over into households towards family members. Between 25 and 40% of abused women report that they are unable to escape abusive relationships because they worry about what will happen to their family pets or livestock. In most domestic violence cases, the abuser will use animals to their advantage to keep the victim from running or leaving. Pets can be a huge barrier for someone trying to leave an abusive relationship. In many cases victims have reported that if they were able to take their animals with them and had a safe place to keep them that they would have been more likely to walk away more quickly than they actually did. Pet owning victims of domestic violence used to be left with very few options.  Within the last decade domestic violence shelters have connected and teamed up with the Human Societies, Control/Animal care agencies, and many others to provide shelter for domesticated animals in need for a temporary home


  1. This is some surpising statistics i did not know that the percentage was that high for relationships that keep on getting abused because of their pets. This definently needs to be heard, good job!

  2. Hey i have the same picture for my advocacy powerpoint. haha. but yea its sad that people can do that to other people and use innocent animals to keep someone in their lives.
